Watch the full single of “Dhan Revat” and talk about “Noz Udom” again. Admit that he did nothing wrong.

“Than Revath” talks about “Mookku Udom” again after watching the single. Go and listen to the full clip. And there is no word that he was wrong.

Then it became a point of criticism Mukku Udom Tabanich is a famous Thai orator He teamed up with Netflix to release a special solo episode called Super Soft Power and there was an episode where the nose came out and talked about it. He went on to lead a self-sufficient life. Living without loving nature

During his solo microphone session, Nose Udom said he once went to be with nature. Live a self-sufficient life but I admit that “I'm an unsatisfied person. I can't really live there.

But he wants others to see him, wants to be like that. Because living well enough isn't easy. We follow celebrities and influencers who do this. I saw him harvesting rice, but he had actually got out of the van. He has applied sunscreen many times. He then returned to the air-conditioned room to pretend to harvest rice and take photos on IG. In reality, rice growers are farmers.

“I know. I'm not a farmer. When I was a kid, I was poor. I don't have to pretend to be poor. I need cold air conditioning and strong internet to watch Netflix all day. And I don't have flies crawling around my eyes. I'm a consumer.”

Later on Police Lt. Gen. Revath Klingeshorn, former Narcotics Control Board chief, former noted police detective. Lt. Gen. Revath criticized some areas on his YouTube channel Joe Revath Klingeshorn. Noz Udom's special said that he saw it and realized that his intention was not good, it could not be used as an insult, it could not be used as a joke. Before I saw and liked, but now when I hear the sound I don't want to listen. Don't look at your birth. Hypocrisy is pointless.

We are villagers, our mouths are bad, it is pointless. He saw that it was not good. We should warn each other. There are many more jokes to play. Do not play with such jokes. He is Mr. Not biased against the nose. But don't take it for fun. If he was sitting and watching that day, he would kick the stage without finishing the speech. Take off your shoes and throw them in his face.

Recently, Pol Lt Gen Revath came back live. After watching the whole special solo about things like

“He already knows that. If we talk about enough, it means whoever it is, he has not broken any law and he has not done anything wrong. Nothing is illegal. But he already knows who his inner motive wants to attract? I personally don't want to get into politics. And I don't support any political party, but when he says it's not enough, it becomes very loud.

In other words, as for other comics, it's his business to find content to make a living. I didn't go to the link. I just have to tell him. There are many ways to live. What content can I listen to?

Personally, I always like Mr. I also saw him as a comedian. Comedians have to find jokes to play. Even I was attacked by younger people. Imitating the sound is fun. I didn't say anything. But it comes down to saying the word enough, but I don't have a lot of stuff. Why bring only that?

As for what I said, if you sit and watch and go up and kick or throw, you may think, think, and talk, but your heart will not be rude to think so. I will only fight against those who are a threat to the country, criminals, drug dealers. Already retired but I respect mine. Whoever comes and disrespects me, I will not accept it. Or maybe I'm wrong. Mr. Mook's heart may not dwell on the matter. Let's say a poem to take you there. I also took the poem. I'm not going to look down on anyone. Being the son of a farmer, I was always modest.

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