He met Nana to warn the Angel Gang. Habits you should not do if you have a husband

Make Nana Ribena beautiful wife Titania wheyM even went so far as to warn her friends in the Angel gang that they shouldn't act cool if they have a husband. Because if you do, you'll be like yourself through the Nana tag team. Anne Alisha And Jane Janisuda Come sit down and talk on the show and in some episodes, I told everyone about my own experience, so don't follow me.

Nana told him that if you love Jane, delete and unfollow her husband's Instagram account. If you break the house yourself, because you stay calm, stay calm. I will keep telling my friends. Don't act like us, don't look at Nana as an idol (laughs). I'll be a little tired.

Before Jin Jinsoda tells her what Nana taught herself: Don't be quiet, if you do, you'll be forced to be slandered and won't know what to do. I can not do that. I can't do this. But if your husband is not here, you can do everything. In front of my husband, I still can't press the remote (laughs).

Then An Alisha immediately added to the talented Nana woman what he had just thought. Nana took care of everything. We said that sometimes it was too much.

DJ Dada, another close friend, added: “But she is good. If her husband says one thing, she will take care of him from 1 to 10. Think of it all, take care of everything. Suppose your husband gets an idea.” “Nana received the letter and took it to explain and arrange the matter, then came and told her husband that he could go and do everything.

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