Check your horoscope for February 5, 2024, for zodiac signs that include Srisathit-Aquarius. The zodiac sign in which the star Kali is located is Capricorn

Solar time February 5, 2024 Lunar period It falls on Monday, the eleventh day of the waning moon, the second lunar month, the year of the Rabbit, Pangasuk, Chola Sakarat 1385. sunshine Time: 6:45 am It's really back. Time: 12:33 pm sunset Time: 6:20 pm new Moon Time: 2:33 am

today Time: 00.00 – 02.18, Moon eats Anurag, 17th auspicious sign, composed of king of auspicious time, Raja means king of earth, time 02.19 – 24.00, moon eats Shitanak, 18th zodiac, auspicious time, composed of Somnu of auspicious time, Sumanu It means a quiet person, it means priests, monks, religious missionaries, teachers and recluses from 12:00 AM – 12:00 AM – prohibited from doing auspicious works. Auspicious direction – southwest Unlucky direction – northeast Color of the day – white Auspicious colors – black, dark purple, grey. Unlucky colors – red, red, orange. Zodiac signs in which the star is located – Aquarius. The zodiac sign in which the star Kali is located is Capricorn

Born today child He is knowledgeable about various things around him, attractive, likes to dress up, graceful, agile, kind-hearted, has a sense of humour, famous, has unreliable relatives. But it depends on relatives. I socialize with close people. Like relatives, I like to hang out with friends who are in good standing. Girl He will have a good appearance. You have a strong mind, are proud of yourself, intelligent, highly intelligent, eloquent, and love to study and gain knowledge. He is loved by everyone who sees him. There are those who offer kindness and support. Prosperous evidence of a happy family

Born on Sunday On the Monday after your birthday, did you have the opportunity to help others? No one should lend money without strong collateral. Spending should be frugal and save some money. There is much work to be done. There are people who support and help. The work done seems to be very popular with people. I worked for charities and met many people.

Born on Monday On Monday above your birthday you will be able to do the work that you love and are suitable for. It is work that requires creativity and unique talents. Although you will receive support from adults and good work colleagues. Beware of silent enemies who are trying to do something that will harm your career. So you must be careful.

Born on Tuesday On the Monday above your birthday you will gain wealth from old businesses and old things, when you have some money left to save. If you have debt and you have the money, you need to pay it off quickly. Property believed to be lost will be returned. Spending should not be lavish. You should know how to save and be careful with your lifestyle. Relatives will come for help, new jobs will come and the number of followers will increase.

Born on Wednesday On the Monday above your birthday, you will have a friend or partner who you like to give you advice and discuss. The legal contract will be finalized soon. There will be income from work that comes periodically. You will be able to connect with new friends who are good, knowledgeable and capable. The pressure, communication, negotiation and coordination processes were successful. You should be careful and monitor your emotions carefully.

Born on Thursday The Monday above the birthday will have more purchasing power. Acquire more assets You must be careful about your money, investments and spending money. You should be careful not to get scammed. Existing funds are necessary to spend. Weak will and lack of caution will lead to wasting money without benefit. Make it clear, transparent and easy to inspect.

Born on Friday On Monday over the birthday, the pressure and negotiation operations were successful. He will be assigned to do important work. There will be travel to participate in important activities. There is a new function that will bring more benefits. There is an opportunity to help those in need. Business negotiation will be effective. Your loved one treats you like a close friend. If there is any problem, let's discuss together.

Born on Saturday Monday Above Birthday Money Spins Better If you have money left over, you should save it to use it in times of need. They often do not spend their own money but use it for others. Buy, sell, improve and repair homes, residences and vehicles. Friends recommend a new job. You will be able to connect with new friends who have knowledge and abilities.

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