Open your mind before becoming a nun! Tina Souvanat cried when she saw comments calling for her to die, and she almost thought about it.

After deciding to be ordained on November 2, by shaving her hair and ordaining for 14 days at Wat Sri Bunrueang, Tina Sovanath opened her heart through the programme. “Hot talk show” On Channel 1 31 about the reasons for this demarcation decision. I’ll admit, I’ve been having quite a bit of drama lately. Who had just been ordained and had just finished all his works. He stressed that he was not ordered to escape from the drama. Revealing your weak point in life with bad comments will lead you to death!

Open your mind before becoming a nun! Tina Souvanat cried when she saw comments calling for her to die, and she almost thought about it.

It is set for November 2.

Tina: Painted at Wat Sri Bunrueang. We are students of this temple. Luang Four Nine’s respect is as respectful as a father’s. That is, he greeted us as if something was happening. My father also died at the end of the month. You will receive me at the beginning of the month. That you should use your money carefully we don’t care about anything. He received us to allow us to come to Him. But with him being a kid I’m just hanging out. I didn’t enter. At the end of the month, my parents died. He came and revealed that he tried to warn us. It’s something to remember. At first I was going to paint for one week, but the novice father told me to paint for two weeks, so I said let’s move on. And whoever decided to draw, I must tell you that there are many stories in the past year. The last incident that was the fault of ourselves. Tina wants to be a new version of herself. And I am more aware than before of the fact that we have been ordained this time. I want to ordain my father as well. It’s like starting a new life. And the latest events serve as a warning that if we live our lives unconsciously, we will neglect again. Your life is very important.

But are we still lucky to have practiced some Dhamma?
Tina: Before, I went to memorize the eight precepts and became a Brahmin monk, but I had not shaved my head yet, the maximum was 3 days and 2 nights, but this time ordination means shaving my head.

The last point is that we decided to shave our heads. Is it also because of our verticality?
Tina: Yeah, it’s like we have to go back to the first movie and even today, 13 years ago, we still haven’t encountered a lot of people saying that. “Like last year’s event, this fate pushed us to make this down payment. It’s been pretty brutal. We’ve always tried to look at the world in a positive light. We don’t want to show any weakness to anyone. When we get too low, we usually consult a doctor.” We use it a lot. Going with friends, going to temple, praying, doing whatever it takes, but in the end, we are really trying to find happiness around us. But in reality, happiness comes from our hearts. If our hearts are not at peace, no matter what About where we are, they won’t help us. Because the worst are the bad comments, there are already too many of them. We can’t escape reading these comments. We sit and read continuously. There was a comment I remember clearly: Why didn’t you die with your parents?

This comment takes me back to the beginning. The day your parents died, right?
Tina: Yes, it brings us back to why we live. (Sound starts to shake) We’re not that good. It makes us feel bad. Or are we really that bad?

But some comments said that this painter is because she is escaping drama?
Tina: I saw that, but we sat and thought. The drama happened in April, and in fact, we had been thinking about becoming a priest for a long time. But the time is not like that. If you were ordained at that time, you would not be able to do it. “We haven’t finished clarifying things yet, but we want to. If we really run away after the incident, we should order immediately, right? We don’t want to run away from our problems.”

Do you feel it? Since my father left, have we become problem children?
Tina: I think when our parents died, when we were 25, we didn’t know why we had problems. I felt like a kid with a comfortable life who wanted to go anywhere. Even though we live the same life but why don’t we feel happy at all? We keep thinking, what is happiness? Even today, I still don’t know. What is happiness? When we turned around, we felt like we had no one. In the past we had a family day. But when he’s not here we feel like we’re missing something. Father’s Day, Mother’s Day. We browse the broadcast (tears flow). We see other people hanging out with their parents. We’re secretly jealous. Why don’t we have more time? We didn’t want to post the pictures at all, and until the day was over, we never told anyone.

I mean we can’t be alone, so we should have friends?
Tina: Lately, life has taken a turn and I still can’t find a way for myself. Go hang out with friends. She couldn’t be alone. In the past, we used to talk without thinking. Why were we all so confused? Because we were more than one.

Thanks for the clip from Talk Zaap Show.

What is happiness today?
Tina: Honestly, to this day I still don’t know what true happiness is. Searching for its meaning. Our ordination on the second day did not think we were men. I am a little woman who wants to draw. To truly want to be at peace, to be with ourselves and to be more aware, what must we learn?

The whole time the parents were away. Are you faced with negative comments that make you think briefly?
Tina: There are some incidents, and there have been really serious incidents. What should I do to make it as comfortable as possible? Just search on Google. Which way to leave is the most comfortable It happened many times when we were diving a lot, but I was afraid of getting hurt, afraid of suffering (crying), and the easiest way was to sleep in the car and smoke by myself, which we thought was difficult. We live with ourselves. What he was able to pass was a time that healed our hearts so much. And the history of the incident, Brother Ning Hill has a lot of hearts for us. Because of the words she said some things she didn’t need to talk about that day. It can only be said when time helps us to be happy. P’Ning gave an example of himself and the past drama. Brother Ning, he’s strong. He’s been through the drama. It helps us regain consciousness. Lost Brother Ning had passed by. We must succeed.

When we are in pain, do we know who is next to us?

Tina: A simple comparison is if our roof was leaking. When we suffer we don’t even know who is worried about us.

Because we have experienced the true nature of real people, how do we feel?
Tina: At first glance, I was sad. Why don’t we come back? It is secretly expected. I think this guy will be good for us. When we have a problem why not improve us? But now I sit down and settle down. It was too late. We sat and thought. It’s like checking people up.

How did Ning become close to Tina?
Tina: Thank you, Brother Karatay. We were sent to surprise Brother Ning. i don’t know yet. Then they became close.

Ning: Ning doesn’t see how cute he is. But we saw his weakness the whole time we knew each other. Whey has a dark side. Purity is the same. He told me about his parents. We feel that it is fragile. Where can it be found? Which I can’t find. Trying to be accepted by others. But who can’t answer questions in life?
Ning had been before. And sometimes we can’t see his condition, if we take an example of the drama he just faced at the beginning of the year, if it is Ning, you will find it yourself. It’s a very small matter. But for him, when he returned home, he had no one, so it was difficult for him.

Tina: At that time, Brother Ning was very kind. Having the opportunity to meet gave P’Ning some ideas. He said it as if this child had committed suicide, so what would it be like? What will society be like? Let’s talk and let’s think. Let’s keep fighting. Today we intend to ask Brother Ning for forgiveness (Hands Together)

Then let Ning Panetta be the first to cut her hair. Before going into the ordination ceremony on November 2, the host said he was happy to hear that he would be ordained. They believe that this painter we know what we did wrong. Thai people are willing to give opportunities to improve and change and do not read comments. Let those comments go. And others will see that we are making an image. We have created some good images.

When we consume too many comments, does it affect our work as well?
Tina: It affects us too, we have to cancel work. Comment that we already have. It extended to the work we did, programs, and different clients until the client canceled our work and went on to comment on Tina’s bad behavior, so we didn’t have to hire her. We admit that we were really wrong. We apologize here. It was our only mistake. Promise to improve Be more aware

The main purpose is to become an ordained in exchange for your parents’ merit?
Tina: Since his death I have never asked my father for anything. We’ll tell you that you don’t have to worry about anything, my child. I am the youngest child. I will do my best. Don’t worry. I want him to go to a good world. Don’t worry about us. But sometimes I secretly cry. I found a very vulnerable spot and cried with a pillow covering my face. Or put a cloth over your mouth and scream. He used to be unconscious to the point of screaming, Ask Daddy why he died. Why did you leave me alone When we vented, when we thought about it, we held ourselves together. He said I’m just sorry, I’m conscious and I’ll try to do better.

What do you have to say to the audience?

Tina: (raises her hand to apologize) Tina asks for forgiveness from everyone who made me feel uncomfortable or upset. This causes drama problems. Maybe a lot of people know who he is, so I apologize and ask for forgiveness here. Tina apologizes to the fans for disappointing her. (Sobbing) He apologizes and asks for forgiveness. I invite everyone to participate in creating merit.

Follow and watch the Zap talk show every Monday and Friday at 13.15 – 14.15 on Channel No. 31. Facebook page: Khoi Zap Show. Watch past episodes on the YouTube channel: Orange Mama.

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