The Finance Ministry plans to extend the diesel tax reduction period to 1 baht per litre, anticipating a monthly loss of 2 billion baht in revenue.

The Deputy Finance Minister revealed his willingness to consider extending the measure to reduce diesel tax by 1 baht per liter after it expires on April 19, 2024. The government is expected to lose 2 billion baht per month in revenue.

Mr. Shulavan Amornevat, Deputy MinisterMinistry of Finance He revealed that The Ministry of Finance is ready to consider extending the measure to reduce the tax rate on diesel fuel to 1 baht/litre, which will expire on April 19, 2024. To alleviate the suffering of people and the business sector at a time when the economy is still slowing down

By acknowledging that extending such measures would result in the state losing up to 2,000 million baht per month in revenue.

“I admit that this reduction in excise tax on diesel fuel will cause the tax department to lose approximately 2,000 million baht per month in revenue. But it is for the benefit of the people and this is the government's duty.”

“On different terms and will have to wait until the Department of Energy proposes it to consider it again. Currently I have not seen any offers. I think there is still time.”

but, The result of measures to reduce the excise tax on diesel fuel. Including gasoline As a result, the Fuel Fund has an average debt of 2,000 million baht per month, and for a total of 3 months, there was a debt of 6,000 million baht. As a result, during the first four months of fiscal year 2024 (October 2023 – January 24), the government collected baht Revenues below the target of 8.8 thousand. 1 million baht or 1.1%

As for the position of the fuel fund as of March 25, 2024, total assets amounted to 27,809 million baht, and liabilities were 126,029 million baht, with a net negative position of 98,220 million baht, divided into negative from the oil account of 51,136 million baht. The calculation of cooking gas is 47.084 million baht

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