Outsourcing of asylum center security tasks inspected by SEM – rts.ch

The Secretary of State for Immigration (SEM) should explore the possibility of outsourcing the security functions of federal asylum centers. It is a recommendation of the Federal Finance Control (CDF) that reviewed the selection of purchases of services in this area.

A sharp increase in asylum applications from mid-2022 and the reception of refugees from Ukraine have presented new challenges to the SEM. In 2022, the costs of operating the centers will be around 307 million francs, up from 215 million a year ago, the CDF writes in its report.

The two largest items are security services, which reached 84 million (70 million in 2021) and administrative costs of 80 million (56 million in 2021). These services are purchased by SEM. The audit reveals that purchases were made in accordance with the influx of requests.

resource limitation

CDF writes that SEM has tools for cost-effective and needs-based procurement. The cases examined did not reveal any irregularities in relation to the Public Procurement Act. However, in the face of a sharp increase in demand, service providers are sometimes unable to provide the necessary resources.

The SEM authorized the temporary and exceptional use of subcontractors in the defense sector, although they were excluded from calls for tenders and framework contracts. It can invite more civilians and soldiers. In addition, the requirements for support staff have been temporarily changed.


For the Federal Audit Office, these actions are understandable in a crisis situation. It recommends examining the possibility of approving subcontracting in the context of future calls for tenders related to security services such as management services.

This will ensure the rapid availability of adequate resources in crisis situations and reduce the administrative burden on SEM associated with exceptional authorizations.


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