NHRC is concerned about the policy of 1 methamphetamine pill, which leads to confiscation of assets by dealers. Affects rights – non-conformity with international standards, fear of repeating “maw” steps

The NHRC is concerned about “Cheta's” approach to solving the drug problem, a methamphetamine pill was found to be a dealer, pointing out that it affects human rights – inconsistent with principles of international problem solving. Fear of repeating the steps of Thaksin's time

Today (May 16) the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) issued a press release expressing concern over the government's policy to address the drug problem as it affects people's quality of life. It is a major obstacle to social security and sustainable development of the country. But the determination of any policy or measure must take into account proportionate punishment. And there must be a framework for the lawful discharge of the duties of the Government officers. Lessons from the War on Drugs policy During the Thaksin Shinawatra government in 2003–2004, there was a severe and widespread impact on human rights. Both life, body, property, honor and reputation are affected. and human dignity affect the image of Thailand's human rights and justice process.

Prime Minister entrusts policies to Minister of Public Health to develop notifications/ministerial regulations to determine how much methamphetamine is present. The NHRC felt that such a policy was not in line with the law and direction to address the drug problem at the international level, considering possession of 1 pill as a dealer and allowing confiscation of assets. And there are concerns that such a policy will have widespread human rights implications among the population. Drug Addiction Crime Possession of drugs for use Possession of drugs for sale is a criminal offense under current law. To prosecute any charge, it must be considered from the circumstances and motives of the accused. It's not just about the amount of medication you have on hand.

“Therefore, the Prime Minister's policy can therefore have an impact on human rights, such as during the declaration of war on drugs in 2003, when drug users were arrested, jailed and prosecuted. Both should be taken for treatment. It becomes a huge burden for the government and it is a stigma for these people because having a criminal history makes them unable to work and become socially disabled and it pushes them to be part of the drug trade. In this matter, there are also complaints to the National Health Commission.

The NHRC asks the government and relevant agencies to actively implement measures to reduce harm from drug use (harm reduction) to address the problem of drug addicts. By encouraging communities and civil society to participate in activities. Adhere to the principle that the slave is the patient. Support communities to develop innovative treatments for non-criminal drug addiction rehabilitation. Repatriating these people to society and community.

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