Natalia Asdayut wins the second Universe Is U competition, a stage that reflects the power of diversity. Honoring equality

The second Universe Is U contest has ended, a stage that invites beauty pageant fans. Come play as your favorite “Miss Thailand” and “Miss Universe Thailand” and highlight the personalities of these beauty queens to provide inspiration. Reflecting the power of diversity and honoring equality, this year’s competition witnessed interest from more than 44 contestants participating in the competition.

This year's winner is UIU37 Natalia-Asdayut Khunwisetphong, who won the title of Universe Is U Edition 2 “This universe is you, the second person in the world”, choosing Oranong Panyaung, Miss Thailand 2017. . 1992 came as inspiration for the contest. They also demonstrated their abilities wonderfully through activities in different rounds, especially her skill in answering questions, which impressed the judges in each round, which led to her winning the title in the end.

While the first runner-up is UIU03 Su-Surachaya Jaiman.
Model beauty queen: Ms. Chutima Nayana, Miss Thailand 1987

Second runner-up: UIU19 Sooty Motel Rawiphon Teeramethapong
Model beauty queen: Ms. Chutima Durongdeg, Miss Thailand Universe 2009

Third runner-up UIU32: Khaibook Thanatchaphan Buranachiwawilai
Model beauty queen: Ms. Chutima Durongdeg, Miss Thailand Universe 2009

The fourth runner-up is UIU27 Petchi Phet Kamutmat.
Beauty Queen Model: Khun Namtan Chalita Suansan, Miss Universe Thailand 2016

For Natalia Asdayot Khunwasitpong is the mother of the drag queen industry, she was the first ever champion of Drag Race Thailand and recently won the Miss Chiang Mai My Heart 2023 pageant.

Image: TBN Global

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