Google agrees to delete billions of customers' data and ends incognito mode, which isn't really a secret

Reuters news agency reported this Google Inc. (Google) It agreed to destroy the personal data of billions of users to end a lawsuit the company was filing. “Incognito mode” (incognito browsing) In Google Chrome and privacy modes in other browsers it is not secret access. As many people understand because there is still data being collected behind the user's home.

Google was sued in 2020 as a class action lawsuit by plaintiffs representing millions of anonymous users. From June 1, 2016 onwards

The plaintiff sued for this even if anonymity was used or Incognito browsing In Google Chrome and anonymity mode in other browsers, but Google still allows the Google Analytics system, including cookies and applications, to collect user data. As a result, Google has a huge database that cannot be relied upon to collect personal information about users. From information about friends, hobbies, favorite foods, and shopping habits. Including “embarrassing personal information” that users do not want to reveal and must therefore use anonymity mode.

Google recently filed a settlement agreement with a California district court on April 1, but it still needs a judge's approval. Google's lawyers interpret this customer data destruction agreement as being worth more than $5 billion (about 183 billion baht), and the real value may reach $7.8 billion (about 286 billion baht). Google will not pay any additional compensation. But users can file a lawsuit for damages individually.

Additionally, Google will update its disclosures about the information companies collect from Privacy Mode. The company has already started work on this part. Google will allow Incognito users to block third-party cookies for 5 years as well.

David Boies, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, said of the settlement agreement: It is a historic step forward in demanding honesty and accountability from Big Tech companies.

“As a result of this agreement, Google will collect less user data than in privacy mode. Google will make less money from that information,” the plaintiffs’ attorneys said.

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