Germany: Under-administration of gender reassignment


The administrative procedure for gender reassignment will soon be simplified

In Germany, people who want to change gender face a less complicated process. A simple self-declaration is sufficient to change the civil status register.


An agreement between the German justice and family ministries will allow the self-determination bill to be finalized so that the law can be implemented sooner.


Olaf Scholz’s government has reached an agreement to simplify the administrative procedure for people who want to change gender, which has long been demanded by the LGBT + community, we learned on Saturday. “As the parliamentary group of the SPD, we openly welcome the fact that the self-determination law is finally moving forward,” said Jan Ploebner, the SPD’s spokesman for transgender issues in the Bundestag.

“The dishonorable practice will soon be a thing of the past.”

Jan Ploebner, Spokesman for the Social Democratic Party, on Transgender Issues in the Bundestag

According to the agreement, published by the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” daily, transgender, genderqueer and non-binary people will have to provide a simple self-declaration if they want to change their first name or gender in the civil status register in the future.

Pay the bill

These practices are limited by a law from the 1980s, which actually considers it a mental illness: people who want to change gender must submit two psychological expert reports, which will be decided by the competent district court. The process is long, expensive and considered discredited by those involved.

John Plobner said the “incompetent practice” they were subjected to “will soon be a thing of the past.” The agreement between the justice ministries and the family can complete the self-determination bill, so I hope that the law will be applied soon, responded Sven Lehmann, the government’s representative for rights. The LGBT+ community.

In particular, according to the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” newspaper, it settles the delicate question of gender reassignment for minors. For children under 14, only a parent or guardian can initiate a procedure. If the parents of those over 14 contest the process, the court must decide.

Reflection time

There is also time for reflection. Gender change in civil status will take effect only after three months. A possible new request to change gender is possible only after one year.

Social Democrat Olaf Scholes’ government, which is allied with the Greens and Liberals, is committed to combating discrimination suffered by the LGBT+ community. In November 2022, it adopted a broad action plan to enshrine their right in the Constitution.

Concerns related to sexual orientation or gender identity?


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