Forth takes responsibility for posting sad April Fool's Day, reveals he won't let it happen again |

Forth takes responsibility for posting on April Fool's Day Regret reveals it won't happen again.

before “Four nets” The rising star actor from the camp GMTV Perfect couple “Jiminen Nurawit” She faces heavy drama after participating in the International Fool's Day festival April Fool With the message that… “I'm dating Jimin.” But many netizens were not amused. I don't think it's a joke and we should comment and criticize each other.Later, the person came out to apologize for the incident.

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I recently had the opportunity to meet the couple and young Forth spoke about what happened… “It was published in this way. It completely ignored what kind of love it was, for whom, what gender, or what. I just think from my point of view it is a nice statement. And we hope to create smiles for everyone but it was my fault that it didn't go the way I thought I understand a lot and accepting other opinions and viewpoints and it was also my fault that I didn't look carefully, I'm so sorry, just because I don't feel guilty doesn't mean I don't So then I don't do anything. I feel very guilty that day. I didn't dare to write anything. In fact, I didn't want to say anything. I felt so guilty when they say we don't respect sex. LGBTQ+ I'm very sorry. I respect you all. They are all beautiful.

Thank you to the fans who came out to protect us. I know what I did wrong. Next time I won't do it again. Thank you so much for letting me know. If there's anything you can tell me, feel free to curse me and I'll gladly accept it. But don't be too strong.”

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