BuzzFeed to use ChatGPT Creator OpenAI to help create quizzes and other content

BuzzFeed company

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It said it would rely on ChatGPT creator OpenAI to improve its tests and customize some of the content for its audience, becoming the latest digital publisher to embrace AI.

In a memo to employees sent Thursday morning, which was reviewed by the Wall Street Journal, CEO Jonah Peretti said he intends for AI to play a bigger role in the company’s editorial and business operations this year.

In one case, the company said that new AI-powered tests would produce individual results.

For example, a quiz for creating a presentation for a romantic comedy might ask questions like, “Choose a metaphor for a rom-com” and “Tell us you have an endearing flaw.” BuzzFeed said the quiz will produce unique, shareable writing based on individuals’ responses.

Mr. Peretti expects AI to help the creative process and enhance the company’s content, while humans play the role of providing ideas, “cultural currency” and “inspirational guides,” he wrote in his note. He wrote that in 15 years, he expects AI and data to help “create, personalize, and animate the content itself,” rather than simply curating existing content.

BuzzFeed, which went public in late 2021 through a merger with a special purpose acquisition company, moved last year to shrink its news division as it sought to make the business profitable, and said it would double its creator network. company He earns millions of dollars By parent on Facebook

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to help create content creators on Facebook and Instagram, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

BuzzFeed shares more than doubled in value Thursday, trading at $2.18 at midday New York. The stock has remained down more than 75% since the company’s IPO.

A spokeswoman for BuzzFeed said Thursday that BuzzFeed continues to focus on human-generated journalism in the newsroom.

BuzzFeed’s move comes as ChatGPT, New chatbot technology From the OpenAI research lab, it’s causing a stir among consumers and businesses alike. Some publishers said they are beginning to discuss the use of AI technology, while others are already experimenting with it.

For example, digital technology publisher CNET recently ran a test using AI technology designed in-house to help editors create illustrations on financial services topics. CNET Editor-in-Chief Connie Guglielmo said this week The publisher has paused testingWhich led to the publication of 77 stories, after finding a number of factual errors.

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And that has invested billions of dollars in OpenAILast week, CEO Satya Nadella said the company plans to integrate AI tools like ChatGPT into all of its products.

ChatGPT, OpenAI’s new artificial intelligence chatbot, can write articles on complex topics. WSJ’s Joanna Stern returns to AP Literature High School for a day to see if she can pass the class using only AI. Photo illustration: Elena Scotti

Write to Alexandra Bruell at [email protected]

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