‘Benja’ invites people to voice their opinions. ‘Draft of amnesty bill moves forward’ believes it is necessary to open the first door to end political conflicts

‘Benja’ invites people to voice their opinions. ‘Draft of amnesty bill moves forward’ believes it necessary to open first door to end political conflict, see ‘lawyer anon’ case, grant right to bail But excluded ‘Political Cases-Section 112’

On November 17, 2023, Ms. Benja Chaenchan, a party-list MP of the Kaew Khlai Party, along with human rights lawyer Mr. Anon mentioned Nampa’s case. He was sentenced on September 26 without parole under Section 112 of the Criminal Case, which was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 baht by the Criminal Court. Write a letter to your child while in prison Main idea says After the new year, the prison will be moved from Bangkok. Jailed in Mae Dang District Prison in Chiang Mai Province, Mr. The Supreme Court has confirmed that Anon will not be granted bail. Even if the lawyer has already submitted the necessary reasons and in fact the right to bail is a fundamental human right guaranteed in the Constitution. And international law notwithstanding, this right has become a right specifically waived by the accused. or defendants in political cases, Section 112 cases and Mr. Bail has been revoked in more than 20 remaining cases to clarify the legal defense when there is no justification in contesting Anon’s case.

Although Anon is now being punished, he wrote a letter to his two children with the message that it was not a crime. And in all 20 cases, Anon would have to spend more than 80 years in jail, but would not be held responsible for a single day. There is no confession or acknowledgment of his and his friends’ struggles. This is completely wrong. And until he gets away with his crime, his two children will continue to grow up, and this country will never be the same again.

Ms. Penja also said what Mr. Anon and all political prisoners face is a major problem that reflects the problem of using laws to violate people’s rights and freedoms. Also, the judicial process does not yet protect or guarantee rights and freedoms. This can be seen from the current enforcement of the law against political prisoners. Human rights violations are rampant. And it’s time for society to collectively recognize the problem, away from universal principles.

“Amidst the current political crisis in Thailand is a way to create stability for the monarchy while ensuring the rights and freedoms of the people and democracy in Thai society. That is, Section 112 of the Penal Code should be amended to ensure the principle of exercise of the right to freedom of political expression. “No one should go to jail for expressing or expressing political views in a peaceful manner,” Ms Benja said.

Mrs Benja noted that the party will present the proposed amendment to Section 112 of the Criminal Code in the House in the near future, confirming that this is the intention of the Progressive Party representatives. Finding a way out of political conflict through democratic process and parliamentary mechanisms

However, the draft law that the Kaklai party has now submitted to the House of Representatives is an amnesty law for people who have committed crimes as a result of political conflicts. Currently seeking feedback

So he invites fellow citizens to share their views on the council’s website. and follow-up to ensure that the draft passes parliamentary scrutiny. It must be through intellectual work to change the political culture, even if it is admittedly not easy. But this is the first door to be opened to talk about the process of justice. If our society wants to end chronic political conflicts

“Amnesty should be granted to those involved in political crimes from 2006 till now. It will be a place for all parties who have ever faced conflict. Use the democratic process to gain a new social consensus to have a safe zone. And this is the first and most important step in restoring justice to the people. It doesn’t matter who comes up with the idea, what are the different political beliefs? Creating a good political system with rule of law including amnesty for the people. It is not just politics and human rights. But creating a society conducive to economic growth is also a matter. Unleash the country’s economic potential in the future as well,” said Mrs. Penja.

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