War in Ukraine: Prominent journalist fined for opposing conflict


War in UkraineA famous journalist who opposed the conflict was fined

Marina Ovsianikova, known for brandishing a poster against Russian aggression on a state channel, has been convicted of “insulting” her country’s armed forces.

Former Russian state television employee Marina Ovsyannikova, who staged an anti-war protest live on state television, attends a court hearing in Moscow, Russia, July 28, 2022.

Former Russian state television employee Marina Ovsyannikova, who staged an anti-war protest live on state television, attends a court hearing in Moscow, Russia, July 28, 2022.


Journalist Marina Ovsyannikova, famous for interrupting a Russian state channel’s newspaper with a poster against the attack in Ukraine, was fined Thursday for again denouncing the conflict. A Moscow court fined him 50,000 rubles (almost 800 fr.). Contempt The Russian armed forces introduced the offense in early March to stave off criticism.

He is accused of saying that the operation in Ukraine was a “crime” while speaking to journalists on July 13 during a trial of jailed adversary Ilya Ichin. Four days later, the 44-year-old journalist was briefly arrested in the Moscow region.

A viral gesture

Ms Ovsianikova became famous in mid-March after appearing in full coverage on the set of the pro-Kremlin television channel where she worked. During his speech, he carried a sign condemning the attack on Ukraine and the “propaganda” of power-controlled media. She was briefly detained in the process and released after paying a fine.

Images of his gesture went around the world. In a climate of repression in Russia of any critical voice, many applauded his courage.

A controversial past

However, Marina Ovsyannikova is not unanimous within the Russian opposition, with some blaming her for years working for the Kremlin’s mouthpiece, the Pervy Canal Channel. After months of working abroad, notably for the German newspaper “Die Welt,” she announced in early July that she had returned to Russia to settle a custody dispute over her two children.


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