Unlock Warp Fang, Wyatt's new friend, Sweet Cooking clip. People flocked to see how cute and beautiful she was.

White Suthi introduces a new fan who posted a clip of them cooking together, very cute. People flocked to kindly comment and praise her new friend for being so beautiful, so cool and fit.

Image from Instagram fang.parimar

After the former influential couple Yarn – P'White The end of a love relationship that lasted for more than 10 years and everyone has left. Either way, it's a flirty girl who recently introduced her new friend White Sudthe My heart was bright again too.

On June 2, 2024, Num White was launched “straw” A new friend posted a clip of them making spaghetti together, more than a minute long. Many people who saw it say that it is very cute and natural, the important thing is that they both look happy and give each other positive energy.

Image from Instagram fang.parimar

Most of the comments also agreed that this white guy's new girlfriend is beautiful, has a good personality, and is really cool.

Image from Instagram fang.parimar




Image from Instagram fang.parimar

Image from Instagram fang.parimar

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