Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky fires ‘traitors’ generals

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has fired two generals for allegedly being “traitors”.

“Regarding the heroes. Now I don’t have time to deal with all the traitors. But they will all be punished gradually.” He said in his national night speech Thursday, the thirty-sixth day of the Russian invasion of the country.

“That is why the former head of the Main Internal Security Department of the Ukrainian Security Service, Naumov Andrei Olehovich, and the former head of the Office of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Kherson region, Krivoruchko Serhiy Oleksandrovich, are not the tallest generals. ”

“Those soldiers of high-ranking officers who have not decided where their homeland is, who violate the oath of military loyalty to the Ukrainian people in connection with the protection of our state, freedom and independence, will inevitably be deprived of the higher military ranks. Random generals do not belong here!”

It is not clear what the former generals did to strip them of their ranks.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that he had fired two generals for violating them
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that he had fired two generals for violating his “military oath of allegiance”.
Presidential Office of Ukraine

Naumov is believed to have fled Ukraine before the Russian invasion began on February 24, while the Kherson region of Krivoruchko was among the first to fall to Russian forces, offering little resistance. The Wall Street Journal reported.

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