Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the WWW, points to the future of big tech companies. “The era of living with data is over.”

Tim Berners-Lee, founder of the World Wide Web or “Global Communication Network.” Huge storage space connected to the Internet that we use today. Predictions about “The future of the site” A perspective on the advent of artificial intelligence that is changing people's behavior and an era in which the vested interests of big technology companies dominate the Internet. Through an interview with CNBC on the occasion of the 35th anniversary

Previously, Sir Tim Berners-Lee got his point acrossBlogPersonally, who expected a picture of slow collapse. For the site he created due to erosion fromBusiness modelBig tech companies and the algorithms they create

Over the past several decades since the creation of the Web, Lee pointed to the huge personal data market that capitalizes on the time people spend online and their data, saying: “artificial intelligence algorithm” To reduce the power of content production on social media platforms, this includes creating content on people's and companies' websites and blogs. It causes us to lose ownership of our data.

However, Li expressed his optimistic outlook on artificial intelligence and provided a glimpse into its future. What will the website image look like? “The future of websites” What will the situation be like in the next 35 years?

“Everyone will have an AI-powered personal assistant.”

Lee believes that one day we will have trusted AI assistants working for us, similar to our personal doctors, lawyers or bankers. He said that daily activities that need to be accessed online will be handled by AI in the future, all through a single AI assistant platform. People do not need to log in to the bank account app. Or e-commerce site or access to sites that provide health services anymore

Artificial intelligence will change the way we interact with websites. He gave an example: ChatGPT will make people interact with a chat application. Or more digital chatbots, whether they receive information and enter commands to get help with tasks like creating text or writing code.

Other companies have also started building other interactive AI devices, such as Samsung launching the Galaxy S24 smartphone and American startup Humane AI Pin. Who developed the pin device for wear

“We will truly own our data across all platforms.”

Instead of our data falling into the hands of service providers Google, Meta, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and other tech giants, we will be able to truly own our data, Lee said. Complete control over our information on the website. By storing that information in a data warehouse

He introduced “Pod,” a technology he's developing with Inrupt that aims to change how web applications work today. Make users own their own data and can better protect data privacy

He went on to explain the concept of the group. “Trusted apps” that can seamlessly share data with each other, providing access to all essential apps across devices. Where we are the ones who keep the information to ourselves.

Today, vast amounts of data are spread across platforms. Which is collected and sold commercially, but what makes matters worse is that the data is increasingly misused in many cases. He also pointed out that OpenAI's ChatGPT and other popular GenAI tools are supported by databases sourced from the open web.

“The end of big tech”

Lee's predictions lead to the end of the Big Tech companies, which currently dominate technology, and being forced out of business, and Lee said that reducing the technological power in Europe may create some changes.

Digital Markets Act (DMA), the European Commission's digital marketing law that restricts services in Europe to prevent the entry of giant companies from influencing local businesses. In other words, Europe is serious about reducing platform monopolies. We strive to create a fair technology competition landscape. If any company violates this, they will face fines of up to 10% of annual revenue or 20% for repeat violators.

He told me that the monopoly of artificial intelligence technology is increasing. And it's starting to become clearer

He said that in some extreme cases the Antitrust Commission could demand a stay of business in the future, and different agencies might have to be a small unit separate from a larger company. However, he praised the company for taking that into account without waiting for an agency to direct it. “This was Always the soul of the Internet.”

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