The United States restricts visas for Hong Kong officials in response to the “Article 23” security law, the Chinese spokesman responded. “Take time to look at yourself”

The United States announced visa restrictions for a number of Hong Kong officials on Thursday, saying it was a response to actions taken by the Hong Kong administration. Which constitutes a deprivation of citizens' rights and freedoms

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the Chinese government took various measures over the past year. Undermining the strength of the high autonomy of democratic institutions as well as the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong, especially the introduction of the new National Security Law. Or what is known as Article 23 (Article 23) comes into force.

“In response, the US State Department would like to announce that we will implement visa restrictions on several Hong Kong officials who participate in depriving Hong Kong residents of their rights and freedoms.” Blinken said in a statement.

But the American announcement did not specify the names of the officials whose visas will be restricted at this time.

Last November, Hong Kong authorities condemned the US Hong Kong Sanctions Law, which imposes sanctions on 49 Hong Kong officials, judges and prosecutors involved in using the national security law to suppress activists.

Hong Kong officials on the sanctions list at the time also included Hong Kong Justice Minister Paul Lam, Police Commissioner Raymond Siu and several judges such as Andrew Cheung, Andrew Chan, Johnny Chan, Alex Lee, Esther Toh and Amanda Woodcock.

The United States has previously resorted to visa restrictions and other forms of sanctions. With Hong Kong officials implicated in numerous civil liberties violations, special trade privileges previously granted to the island's financial hub have also been revoked.

Washington has also warned foreign financial institutions conducting transactions with these individuals that they may also face sanctions.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry's Commissioner's Office in Hong Kong responded to the report and Blinken's statement, saying it “represents a confusion between right and wrong” and attempted to “create a stigma” of the national security law. The electoral system in Hong Kong

An agency spokesman said the US use of sanctions to intimidate Hong Kong officials was “deliberate.” 'Dangerous intervention' In the internal affairs of Hong Kong and China

“Instead of acting like the world police” it issues a report on Hong Kong policy law every year. The United States should find time to review its own problems.” The Chinese spokesman said

Source: Reuters

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