The most mischievous country singer loaned someone 10 million baht for 4 years and did not get it back. Wasted money and friends.

Famous Indian country singer Zach Champhai Today I will open my heart after she has been talked about as a singer in decline, her songs are no longer as popular or popular as they used to be. Willing to tell the story of lost in the light I spent a lot of money, lent it to friends, lost more than 10 million baht, which is very sad, and lost all the money. I lost both friends. On the teacher's side, he is a strong person. If the mole behind the ear is removed, the drama problem will end. Through the program “Kuay Zaab Show” on Channel 1 31 with Ning Panetta, Benz Poornshita and Acharn as one person. Being the host of the program

New song just released on YouTube?
Zack: It was only down for 3-4 days, but now it's gone. It has already been destroyed. That is, our channel has been hacked. I don't know why the channel has so few followers. Haven't unlocked income yet

Have you reached out to any agencies yet?
Zack: Now let the team do it. But I don't know if I can do it or not.

What would you like to say to the person who took you in?
Zack: Please have pity on me. Because after she released the song “Kham Phaeng” in 2016, after this release she was not popular at all. Are you still going to take over my hair channel? Please have pity on me. I don't want to make a living from just “Kham Phaeng”.

Zach can be seen in many dramas on Channel One. Everyone saw his work and thought he would stop singing. Is it okay to make a song?
Zack: I do, but not out loud. So everyone doesn't know.

Are you frustrated because we made a song and it was just the first song, but it was actually popular, but it wasn't as good as the first song?
Zach: When we're asked if there's pressure, there's pressure, because we're working and we're planting seeds, we have to expect some results. But if it doesn't work, the seeds we planted don't grow, that's okay, we'll do it again.

Are you sorry? I have a career as a singer. But becoming famous in the celebrity line?
Zack: Not much. Because of my origins as a singer I got it unexpectedly. Drama is another thing I want to do.

Do you think this is why our songs haven't become popular lately?
Zack: There are many factors to that in the past, I have written music that is not like “Kham Phaeng” at all because we want it to be different from Kham Phaeng. Different from Zach Chumphae, so I took a different song from Zack Chumphae and wrote it, which didn't answer the question. It wasn't very successful.

Is it partly because we also take time to act in dramas? So there's no time for music?
Zack: That might have something to do with it. For many years I only acted in dramas. Very few musical works because from 2016 to 2014 my personal songs still did not reach 10 songs.

How many dramas are there now?
Zack: 3 stories

Many people say that Zach is good at spending money or not. Do you spend a lot of money?
Zack: There are some, I was born from a negative background. When I was working in furniture with my father, I earned 50 baht a day, but 100 baht a day wasn't even 8-9 thousand a month.

I received information that Zach spent 5 months spending 2 million?
Zach: I haven't used it all myself. But when I became an artist, I never made that much money. “In the first month, the company cut off the balance in 17 days, more than 300,000 baht. We never had that much money before. Whoever borrowed it, we loaned it all. My friend didn't have the money to pay for housing. We lend first

Have you spent money lending it to others?
Zack: Yes.

How do you feel about making more than 300,000 baht in 15 days?
Zach: I'm happy because I take care of everything myself, whether it's KBank, you can just take your phone and transfer it, it's easy, I have an ATM card.

Can you lend it to others and get it back?
Zack: Most of them won't be returned.

Did you submit the application?
Zack: At first I asked, but lately I haven't asked anymore. When I returned to Cham Phi, my friends did not come to see me.

Do you want to apply through the program?
Zack: You better not do that. Having said that, you probably already know.

What reason was given? When we borrowed it, why did we give it to him so easily?
Zack: The first thing I want is to be a friend. In the past, when I didn't have anything, I went to live with him. Go sleep at his house and spend money with his parents. When we have the opportunity, we can at least get 300,000 today in 15 days, and if we have to get another 15 days, take it first.

This is a friend from outside the industry. But friends in the industry who aren't close to each other give it to Zach?
Zack: There are some, there are more people. I would choose it if I was a friend in the industry.

Have you ever been rejected?
Zach: A little bit, mostly I was turning it down because I had already given so much away.

Besides the industry, is it still there in our circle?
Zack: If it's a band, we're together and it was created together, I have to say it's better to support him.

How much is the maximum?
Zach: It's hard because I've given all my time for 3-4 years, and it's like we already knew that. This month he works with us, how much will he earn? How much money can we deduct from it?

We ourselves have faced difficulties before. We know the extent of suffering, so we give it to him?
Zack: This one also has a part. Going back to the past like my mother borrowed from someone else. I believe in this feeling more.

What if you don't have the money yourself and someone asks to borrow it?
Zach: If I don't have money, it's mostly with my mother. I had to take it with my mother and loan it to him.

Would you go borrow money from your mother and give it to a friend again?
Zack: You should use the word “lend your own money” and give it to him.

How do I tell my mother? Is it permissible?
Zack: You have to lie, because if I run out of money mommy won't give it at all. Because in the end my mother knew that I wasted the money. Lend it to him.

How did my mom know I loaned it to him?
Zack: KBank links messages to my mom's phone.

How much did he go?
Zach: About 4 years ago, roughly 10 million, I spent money without knowing anything about it.

How do we know which number will reach 10,000,000?
Zach: From my mom, I wrote it all down.

In the end, what lesson did you learn from this?
Zach: Before COVID, my mom would come out and talk and open up and talk. My mother said you must have a future. In the future, if you have a wife and family, you may not be able to have your mother take care of you every step of the way. You must be the leader yourself. My mother told me to think.

Why don't you know how to refuse?
Zack: If you come back, I won't lend it to you. When he borrowed, he knew we had money.

When we learned that the number was 10,000,000, how did we feel?
Zack: Is this really the first feeling? Can I earn this much money? My mom said I didn't know you made so much money but it was that much. What do you think about the money you lost? What should I do?

Use the word loss to explain that 10 million baht is the amount that has not been returned?
Zack: I couldn't get him back. I lost money and all my friends.

Wasted money and friends. What do you regret most?
Zack: It's more of a feeling of remorse. I'm a very technical person when it comes to friendship. I am a person who has money. I'm going to run to find that person, that person, we have money, come to me, come and give me advice.

Just like you, he doesn't have to ask. Just seeing her struggle to give it to me?
Zack: It could be, tell your mother and all your relatives, which one isn't serious? It won't hurt us much, so let's walk and let him go. I will find him soon.

Is there something that prompted your worship or punishment?
Zack: That should be a lot. When asked if it hurts, it hurts because everyone is close to me.

When he goes to claim, what reason does he give?
Zack: He's not here. That's when I saw the numbers. Some people gradually left to open their own businesses.

This means that most of them are people in the band?
Zack: Yes.

Anyone who borrowed money from SAC has every intention of not returning it. Do most companies not survive?
Zack: That's pretty much everyone. Not even a year, everyone.

Do you believe in fate?
Zack: I believe, I really believe in the law of karma.

Do you think he got his karma when he closed his business?
Zack: There has to be a part.

When he went out and did it himself, he went bankrupt. Did he come back to us?
Zack: Everyone, but I don't want to anymore. I am a person who loves and is loved. Who made me feel this way? this is not true. I'll cut it off.

are you upset?
Zack: More than that. I don't really want to talk. Because it is a team and we are all relatives.

Was there a time when you wanted to start your own business too?
Zack: It's a dream. I have loved raising fighting chickens since I was a child.

Don't tell me you run a fighting chicken farm?
Zach: Yes, at the beginning of 2016 I bought chickens for 1-2-3-4-5 thousand each until everyone had chicks. 25,000-30,000 baht I buy it.

How many chickens are there in total?
Zach: When I first opened the farm, there were 100-200 chickens, including pullets.

Is Mongkol Farm called Zak Chumphai?
Zack: Yes, that's my name.

How is your business? Is it thriving?
Zack: It's really auspicious. It has not been built for 2-3 months and has been destroyed, this kind of work should take care of itself. Who can't come and take care of me? I bought two tons of rice and the chickens hadn't even eaten 10 bags yet, so I gave it to people because my mother caught a kilo of chicken and sold it all. I bought these chickens for 10-20 thousand baht each, and my mother said it was too much. My mother sells it for 65 baht per kilo, and now my mother and my boss won't let me spend the money. He will move 4 thousand per week.

How much did fighting roosters lose?
Zack: There's something more complicated than that. I never thought it would end like this. Well, I was conspiring with my mother, and I wanted to buy a place for my mother to run a furniture factory for my father. So my mother went to buy land, filled the ground, and completed the roof. I put the chicken down.

total loss?
Zack: 2 million.

Are fans secretly worried now that they know he's seriously ill?
Zack: Yeah, I went in for a checkup, and the doctor said my heart valve was leaking. And I'm someone who doesn't exercise much. If and when you exercise more than normal people We were diagnosed in 2017, about 7 years ago, they said it was possible to remove mines. But I don't want to have surgery because I'm afraid. I'm a sick person and I'm afraid of doctors. So I was allowed to take the medication for about a year. The edible part was okay. But it was four jars of medicine. Take four to five pills in each jar, I can't take it because if I'm a teenager, I'm too lazy to take the medicine if I eat rice. I've been drinking.

Why don't you just have surgery to get rid of this disease?
Zack: Not a chance. When I was sick and had to go on tour, she asked if I was okay. Lately, before Covid, I often felt dizzy.

Someone said that the old woman will come back and cause a headache?
Zack: Yes, as one of the monks told me before the problem that in another week or within this month I will go to court. In conclusion, it really happened. After a week, I had a problem

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