Sedan falls into sea, 2 bodies, grandmother pleads, grandson dies from wearing bad high heels Losing a dear friend is still shocking.

Sedan falls into sea, 2 bodies, 1 survivor, Grandmother pleads not to get worse Grandson survives death by kicking car window in high heels, still unable to help his friend.

On October 5, 2023 at 5:30 PM, the survivor of the accident, Mr. Veerabab, 20, or Nong Bes’s grandmother, 66-year-old Mrs Samsan. A sedan falls from a dam into the sea. Sattahip – Koh Samui Ferry Port, Chuk Samet Pier, Samae San Sub-District, Sattahip District, Chonburi Province

Nong Bes said that the grandmother had revealed that the two deceased were sitting in front. Nong Bes sits behind. He showed his friend who was a bus driver the way. When driving from Same San Channel, turn right and sleep, but the driver is not used to the route. A left turn will cause an accident.

At that moment, Nong Bes felt that his feet were cold. So he got up and put his hands on his legs. So it was found that the car fell into the sea. I was shocked and immediately asked my two friends in the front seat to unbuckle their seat belts. But to my shock, I couldn’t find it. Little Bess wears high heels. So he kicked quickly until the right rear window broke. Then the water overflowed. Little Bass was unconscious. He realized it again. Little Bass was floating on the surface of the water. Bass struggled to cling to the float. He had shell wounds all over his arms and legs.

Nong Bes clung to him until he almost lost his strength. I turned and saw a fisherman. So he shouted for help. Nong Bes managed to survive. But since the three of them had been best friends ever since, the boy was still lost in grief at not being able to help his friend. When I was in high school, he used to eat and sleep at home all the time. Before the incident, he had already told the grandchildren that he should not be allowed to sleep at home.

71 year old Mr. Pradit, Nong Bes’s grandfather, said Bes is still hazy and in shock. The soldier asked and still didn’t know. And the way you do it is to drive on the now completed road which is a small road. The driver takes a wrong turn and falls into the sea.

Leave more comments to Miss Samson. I don’t know the actual incident. Please do not leave any bad comments. We, Nong Bes and the family are deeply sorry for this incident. The deceased came to his house to eat and sleep. I have seen it since childhood. I love you like a grandchild. The more I love you, the more I feel depressed and blame myself for not being able to help my friend. So please don’t make each other worse.

Mrs Villavan, 40, Bess’s aunt, revealed that she was fascinated by a detour and a path that was so dark that, if she were, unaccustomed to the path, she saw two boat lights and thought they were lanterns. of the car ahead. And it may be possible to drive.

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