Riots in France: Bulletproof vest saves a police officer in Nîmes

Riots in France

A bulletproof vest saved a police officer in Nîmes

An attempted murder investigation has been launched after a law enforcement officer was shot. He was not hurt by the touch.


(illustrative photo)


A police officer, the target of the shooting, was protected by his bulletproof vest Urban violence From Friday to Saturday in Nîmes, announced Sunday, the prosecutor who opened the trial for attempted murder. “Due to wearing a bullet proof vest, the victim police officer avoided being seriously injured by the projectile that hit him. An X-ray confirmed the presence of explosives in the bulletproof vest, “whose capacity is to be determined,” explained Cecil Genzak, a lawyer for the Republic of Nimes, in a press release.

An investigation into the “attempted murder of a public authority” was initiated and handed over to the judicial police. A colleague accompanying the police officer was injured but not injured, a police source said. According to the government, no one has been arrested so far.

Clashes against the police

Between Saturday and Sunday night, hundreds of people protested against the police in the streets of Khartoum. During the night from Friday to Saturday, four police officers were wounded in a shooting in the Lyon suburb of Valais-en-Veline. The Lyon Public Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation for “participation in a group aimed at committing intentional violence and violence with a weapon against persons holding public authority.”


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