Oh! Noom Kanchai made a heated post about the price of meeting lawyer Noom Kala, and his Wi-Fi comments nearly set her on fire.

Noom Kanchai posted a heated post about the price, where she met Noom Kala's lawyer Decha, and his comments on Wi-Fi nearly set her on fire. Teasing my client again

Kanchai's sleep

Image from Noom Kanchai's Facebook page

This caused netizens to hit the 'Like' buttons for the popular host. Kanchai's sleep The latest one (June 8, 2024) was released with a hot post. Regarding its special price, it is not expensive but it is not ordinary. So people can't help but associate it with the now famous news.

by Kanchai's sleep Post a photo of yourself from the past. With a message stating: “Although there are no expensive singing fees per night, the performance fees are not ordinary. So it must be called in a reasonable way. No matter how much I get, I will make merit for all the poor children.

Kanchai's sleep

Image from Noom Kanchai's Facebook page

At this event, in addition to the many netizens' comments, it was also found that Lawyer Disha, Nom Kala's lawyer, also commented: “Teasing my client again. Do you want your wife to spend 700,000 baht a month? From Lawyer Disha, Lawyer Nom Kala.”

As for Nom Kanchai, he went on to comment and reply, “Borrow two hundred, Pee De” so that netizens would click “like” loudly.

Kanchai's sleep

Image from Kanchai's Instagram

Young archer

The photo is from the suffering lawyer’s Facebook page

Young archer

The photo is from the suffering lawyer’s Facebook page

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