NASA announced the discovery of a new “super-Earth” located only 137 light-years from Earth.

On January 31, the US Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, published news that it had found a planet outside the solar system similar in size to Earth. It has a mass greater than Earth but not more than Neptune. Also known as a new “super-Earth” located just 137 light-years from Earth.

This super-Earth, codenamed TOI-715 b, orbits in the habitable zone. That is, it orbits at an appropriate distance from the star. This creates the right conditions for living organisms to arise, such as temperatures that are neither too hot nor too cold, and water on the planet's surface.

TOI-715 b is about 1.5 times larger than Earth and orbits a small red star. If officially confirmed, the planet will become the smallest habitable super-Earth ever discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

NASA said that because the super-Earth's orbit is so short from its red dwarf star, one year of TOI-715 b is equivalent to 19 Earth days, and small, narrow orbits like this make it easier to detect movement and monitor events more closely. suitable.

Simulated orbit of the red dwarf star TOI-715b.

NASA also added TOI-715 b to its list of exoplanets in the habitable zone. Which will be used by the James Space Telescope's high-performance grid. Let's explore this star in detail. To further analyze the atmosphere and traces of life that may appear on this planet.


Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

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