The Constitutional Court's order to dissolve the Kevklai party on August 7 has received a great deal of attention from the media around the world. Al Jazeera, Associated Press, BBC, CNN, Reuters, etc. have all reported on the events in Thailand.
Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera news agency Use the title “Constitutional Court Decides to Dissolve Gouklai Party” and Content “Pita Limjaronrath Ex-Chairman of Progressive Party Leads Party to Victory in 2023 General Elections.”
“He is particularly popular among young and urban voters with a promise to reform Article 112, which human rights groups say has been misused to suppress pro-democracy groups.
The statement added, “But his ascension to Prime Minister was blocked by conservatives in the Senate. His political career got off to a shaky start earlier this year. When the Election Commission asked the court to dissolve Munnetra Party”
“Although the decision will upset millions of youth and urban voters who support the party, the impact is expected to be minimal. Only 11 current and former party executives have been banned from political activity for 10 years.
Associated Press
whenAssociated Press news agency Use headline: “Thai court orders dissolution of Keiklai party. Whoever wins the election does not run the country.
An Associated Press news report reads in part: “The Constitutional Court has ordered the dissolution of the Progressive Party. The Progressive Party, which won last year's general election, said the party was violating the constitution by proposing amendments to the Ten Thousand State Privileges Act.
“The Constitutional Court unanimously decided to dissolve the party. Because the reform campaign was seen as an attempt to overthrow the monarchy.”
“The Progressive Party could not form the government by securing maximum votes. This is because the Senate members, who were then conservative, were appointed by the military. Refusal to endorse the Prime Ministerial candidate of the Progressive Party.
“It is not yet clear what will happen to the remaining non-executive parliamentarians of the party. Pita, in an interview with The Associated Press, said the party would guarantee a “smooth transition to the new parliament” or the new party.
“This latest case is one of many that have been widely criticized as part of a series of attacks on the country's progressive movement over the years by conservatives trying to keep it in power.
“Human rights organizations have expressed concern about this case,” Amy Smith, executive director of the civil rights group Fortify Rights, said before the decision. The attempt to disband the Khao Khai Party is a “direct attack on democratic principles” that seriously undermines Thailand's commitment to human rights.”
“U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin sent a letter to Thailand's Foreign Minister Maurice Tsenghiampong expressing concern: “Dissolving a party that won a landslide victory in the 2023 election would disenfranchise millions of voters calling for progressive change and democratic reform.”
area BBC Headline: “Thai court orders dissolution of election-winning reformist party”
In it, “The Constitutional Court ordered the dissolution of the party which won the most seats and votes in last year's elections. But was prevented from forming a government.
“The Constitutional Court said changing the les majeste law was tantamount to calling for the destruction of the monarchy.”
“It's like the Future Forward Party, which performed better than expected in the elections in 2020, was disbanded and replaced by the Future Perspective Party.”
“The party defied expectations and emerged as the party with the highest number of seats in Parliament. This demonstrates a strong desire for change among Thai voters.
“But the military-appointed Senate prevented it from going any further. Form a government based on a proposal to amend the Les Majeste Act by allowing 11 conservative political parties to come to power instead.
“Many activists are in prison, deported or facing criminal charges, so the large-scale protests seen in 2020 are unlikely today.
“Thailand's Constitutional Court, which has dissolved 34 political parties since 2006, has long been the guardian of the status quo for conservatives.”
Shore CNN Headline: “Thai court orders dissolution of political party that wins election. This affects the people's progressive movement.
The content reads “Thailand's Constitutional Court has ordered the dissolution of Thailand's most popular political party. This is a severe attack on the vibrant progressive movement. And may cause further turmoil in Thai politics.
“In 2023 elections, the Progressive Party will win by a landslide and win more seats in Parliament. And received huge support across the country. This is especially true among young people who have been disaffected with years of military-backed rule.
“This is the first of two politically important cases. This could intensify a power struggle between the executive and the progressives, with the court expected next week to rule on a petition seeking the removal of Prime Minister Chetha Tavisin. Because someone with legal cases is appointed as one of the cabinet members.
“Young people told CNN during the election that they felt like the “forgotten generation” as they struggled to find jobs or buy homes under nine years of military-backed rule. “We don't see a future for ourselves in this country,” said one young MP.
“The latest verdict is likely to reinforce the sense that many young supporters feel that there is no hope for change in Thailand's political system.”
“Progressive MPs face obstruction. Political parties were dissolved and governments were overthrown. Thailand has seen dozens of successful coups since 1932, including two in the past two decades.
area Reuters Headline: “Thai Court Orders Dissolution of Opposition Party”
It said, “The dissolution of the winning party in the 2023 election is the latest setback for Thailand's major political parties. It is still mired in a two-decade power struggle between influential groups including conservatives, wealthy families and generals.
“This decision comes at a critical time in Thai politics. Cracks have appeared in peace talks between conservatives and a longtime rival. That is the Pew Thai Party.”

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