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The Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health last week disclosed the Covid-19 situation and prepared recommendations for educational institutions. Child development centers and kindergartens are preparing to prevent Covid-19 by checking sick children before entering school every morning, cleaning frequently, washing hands with soap and advising parents if many children are sick to stop treating at home until you are better and return to school.

Today (14 May 2024) Dr. Thongchai Keerati Hattayakorn, Director General of the Department of Disease Control, said that Thailand is currently relaxing some of the COVID-19 measures so that people can return to normal life as much as possible compared to before the outbreak. During this period, many schools are gradually opening up to the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Public Health, so recommendations for educational institutions have been prepared. Child Development Center Prepares Teachers, Child Care Workers, and Parents to Prevent COVID-19 and Respiratory Illnesses in Kindergarten and Elementary School Emphasis is placed on screening children and staff before entering the school each morning. Separate sick children from normal children. Wearing a mask, the parent should take the child home for treatment. Clean space, equipment, tools, toys regularly and provide a hand washing station with soap and clean water. Or read Alcohol, Disease Prevention and Control Guidelines for Teachers and Child Caregivers http://klb.ddc.moph.go.th/dataentry/handbook/form/188 People with flu-like symptoms should not go near the elderly.

Dr. Thongchai advises that if a child is sick and has minor symptoms such as a low-grade fever, cough, runny nose, he or she can eat and is happy to ask the child to stop studying and take care of the child at home. If symptoms persist for more than 2-3 days such as high fever, rapid breathing or wheezing, not drinking milk, by monitoring the symptoms until the disease resolves. / Water, not as happy as usual. Hurry and take him to the doctor. Also use a handkerchief to cover your mouth and nose. Wash your hands thoroughly when coughing or sneezing and avoid close contact with others. Eat healthy foods from all 5 food groups, drink plenty of water, and get enough rest. For parents, always wash hands with soap and water before and after caring for a sick child. Separate children's personal items such as glasses, toothbrushes, spoons and hand towels.

In Thailand from 7 January – 12 May 2024, 14,937 cumulative cases were reported, with 104 total deaths and in the 18th week between 5 – 11 May 2024, 1,880 patients were newly hospitalized with an average of 269 cases per day, 588 pneumonia patients, and 11 deaths in the 608 cohort. , especially those 70 years and older who did not receive the vaccine received 1 dose, received 2 and did not receive a booster. As expected at the beginning of the year, Covid-19 has become an endemic disease. Patients can be seen year-round. It is no different from other respiratory illnesses, including influenza. or RSV virus infection. So, we request people to be alert but not to panic. People should pay attention to maintaining personal hygiene. You should wear a mask, especially if you are suspected of being sick. When in crowded places or places where large crowds gather, such as public transport, hospitals and aged care facilities. And if you are unwell, don't go near the elderly. Because if they become infected with a weak group, the symptoms can be severe. For more information, call the Department of Disease Control hotline. 1422


Source: Division of Public Infectious Diseases/Division of Epidemiology/Bureau of Risk Communication

May 14, 2024

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