Elon Musk says his AI project will seek to understand the nature of the universe

Elon Musk’s interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson airs April 17-18.


Fox News Channel

Elon Musk,

He, who co-founded OpenAI but left the company in 2018 after losing a power struggle to its current CEO, detailed his current ambitions for AI in an interview set to air later on Monday.

“I’m going to start something I call ‘Truth GPT,’ or maximum truth-seeking artificial intelligence trying to understand the nature of the universe,” Musk said in an interview on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” According to excerpts from the interview, which is scheduled to be broadcast in two parts on Monday and Tuesday nights.

Mr. Musk recently created a new artificial intelligence company called X.AI Corp. , according to a Nevada filing. The Wall Street Journal reports that in the past few months, Mr. Musk has been recruiting researchers with the goal of creating a rival effort to OpenAI, the artificial intelligence company that launched the viral ChatGPT chatbot.

Mr. Musk joined several tech executives and leading AI researchers last month in calling for a halt to the rapid development of new and powerful AI tools, to give the industry time to establish safety standards for AI design and avoid the potential harms of riskier AI technologies.

In his book, Mr. Musk said that understanding the nature of the universe “may be the best path to safety, in the sense that an AI that cares about understanding the universe, is unlikely to wipe out humans because we are an interesting part of the universe.” the interview. Fox News, the parent company of Fox News, and News Corp, the parent company, share common ownership.

Mr. Musk Expressed concerns about ChatGPT Providing what critics have called politically biased answers. he tweeted in February: “What we need is TruthGPT.”

“Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than, say, poorly managed aircraft design, poorly maintained production or poorly produced car,” Mr. Musk said in another video reviewing the interview. “It has the potential – however small you may consider this possibility, but it is not insignificant – it has the power to destroy civilization.”

Write to Alexa Corse at [email protected]

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It appeared in the April 18, 2023, print edition as “Musk lays out his vision of artificial intelligence.”

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