The sentence has been reduced after a woman who failed to conceive was sentenced to thirteen years in prison.
Salvador Police. Chart.
A Salvador woman who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for abortion was released on Monday after her sentence was commuted to 13 years in prison, an NGO said.
“After 13 years and five months in prison, Maritza was re-acquitted by reversing her sentence,” the Citizens’ Association for the Abolition of Abortion (ACDATEE) said in a statement.
“I am very pleased to regain my freedom (…) and thank all the people and organizations for their support, and my continued support for the release of other women who are still in prison,” Maritza said. , Identified only by this first name.
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ACDATEE President Morena Herrera expressed her “delight” that “after many years, justice has been done” and promised to fight for the release of eleven women prisoners.
The union’s lawyer, Abigail Cortes, said the judiciary’s handling of Maritza’s case was “improper” and “a violation of human rights.”
“At Maritza’s trial, there were three judges; One of them encouraged her to cast her vote and during the public hearing, she was not given the necessary elements to conclude that the facts were true, which is the basis for any substantiated argument for guilt, ”he said.
Since 1998 the Salvadoran Penal Code has prohibited abortion under all circumstances, even if it endangers the health of the mother or child, and carries a maximum sentence of eight years in prison.
However, cases typically carry up to fifty years in prison for “heinous murder.”
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