Doctors reveal that not spending more than 5 minutes excreting exposes you to 5 health problems: hemorrhoids, constipation | Khasud

Doctors reveal that not spending more than 5 minutes defecating puts you at risk of causing 5 health problems, the most important of which are hemorrhoids and constipation. They also advise on ways to prevent constipation.

Many people think that “sitting on the toilet” is the most relaxing time of the day. You may be scrolling through your phone, reading a book, and forgetting the tedium of going to the bathroom, but in the eyes of doctors, it takes too long. Passing a bowel movement. It can cause many health problems.

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Dr. Chen Weiyu, a colorectal surgeon, shared the medical knowledge on his Facebook fan page: He often heard many people complain about it.“The amount of time their husbands went to the bathroom increased significantly after they became parents.”

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A British study found that parents spend an average of seven hours hiding in the bathroom every year to get away from their families. They joked about it “The bathroom is a father’s most peaceful haven.” They can enjoy a space of solitude and freedom including temporarily being away from their significant other, not wanting to face selectivity, and children’s play.

But going to the bathroom for too long is more dangerous to your health than you think, and many people wonder, right? How long does it take to become healthy? Dr. Chen Weiyu explains that the normal time for a bowel movement for healthy adults is:It takes an average of 2 minutes to sit and about 51 seconds to squat. In general, it is recommended thatControl time within 3 to 5 minutes. To avoid hemorrhoids and other diseases

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In addition, Dr. Chen Weiyu warns that excessive bathroom habits – “sitting on the toilet for a long time” can cause 5 major health problems.

1. Hemorrhoids Sitting for long periods increases intra-abdominal pressure. This results in decreased blood flow to the rectal vein during defecation. This leads to blood eventually accumulating in the walls of blood vessels in the rectum. Increases the possibility of hemorrhoids.

2. Constipation Taking a long time to pass a bowel movement can be a sign of constipation. This can cause stool to become hard and dry. Makes defecation more difficult.

3. Anal fissure Long-term constipation and heavy bowel movements can cause anal fissures, causing pain and bleeding.

4. Rectal prolapse Prolonged difficulty with bowel movements can lead to rectal prolapse. This is an anomaly in which the rectum slides into the anus.

5. Stomach discomfort Prolonged pressure on the abdomen can cause bloating, pain and cramps, affecting the digestion and absorption process.

If it takes a long time to defecate, Dr. Chen Weiyu shares 6 ways to treat constipation, recommending the following:

  • Eat enough fiber: Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps soften the stool. Increase in stool volume and enhanced peristalsis of the intestine
  • Drink enough water: Water helps moisten and soften the stool. This makes having a bowel movement more difficult.
  • Regular defecation: Try to defecate during a specific period of time every day, such as after waking up, after eating, etc., to develop good defecation habits.
  • Avoid delaying the need to defecate: When you feel the need to defecate, you should go to the bathroom as soon as possible without delay. Delaying bowel movements can make the problem worse.
  • Do not strain yourself to defecate: Straining to pass a stool can put increased pressure on the anus and anus, causing problems. You should defecate gently and do not push yourself too hard.
  • Increase the amount of exercise: Proper exercise will increase your body strength. Increase blood circulation stimulate intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation

Dr. Chen Weiyu also warns that you shouldn’t read or move your phone while defecating. Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge to defecate. When it turns out that defecation takes a long time and there are three important negative symptoms, such as the appearance of blood in the stool. Severe abdominal pain, weight loss, etc. You should see a doctor immediately to determine the cause and receive treatment.

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