A woman ran on the set of the evening news program on Russia’s state TV Channel One on Monday holding a poster that read: “No to war. Stop the war. Don’t believe the propaganda. They are lying to you here. Russians are against war.” “Stop the war, no war,” she yelled before the camera went off.
The Russian news agency TASS quoted a law enforcement source as saying that the woman worked for the channel. TASS and OVD-Info, a rights group that tracks demonstrations and helps protesters find lawyers, reported that the woman had been taken into custody and taken to a Moscow police station.
The government says more than 3,000 people were arrested during anti-war protests on March 6. OVD-Info estimates that nearly 15,000 protesters have been arrested at rallies since the invasion of Ukraine began on February 24.
The offer of women to the opposition comes after the president
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Sign a bill that imposes a sentence of up to 15 years in prison for anyone convicted of intentionally publishing false information and statements about the use of the Russian armed forces.
Since the beginning of the war, Russia has launched a crackdown on foreign media and social networks. About two dozen independent Russian media organizations were forced to close or chose to cease operations.
FacebookAnd the
And Instagram are all blocked in the country.
Independent state-backed polls show that about 60% of Russians support the invasion.
OVD-Info identified the woman as Marina Ovsianikova, and shared a video she allegedly recorded before her protest. A Facebook profile using this name shows a photo of a woman wearing the same necklace – showing the colors of the Russian and Ukrainian flags – that she was on in the TV appearance.
Within two hours of the incident, more than 15,000 people had left their comments under the photo on the Facebook page. “Amazed at your courage,” read one comment. “Thank you very much for the truth.”
Media coverage of Russian forces invading Ukraine unfolds in Russia differently from the US Using maps and disinformation, many TV shows are shaping public opinion by justifying Moscow’s decision to attack its neighbor. Photomontage: Sharon Shee
OVD-Info released a video that it said was made by a woman. “What is happening in Ukraine now is a crime, and Russia is the aggressor country,” she says. “Responsibility for this aggression rests on the conscience of one person, and that person is Vladimir Putin.”
The woman said that her father is Ukrainian and her mother is Russian. She said that she was ashamed to work in “Kremlin propaganda”, and called on the Russians to demonstrate against the war. “Only in our power to stop this. Go to protests. Fear not. They can’t arrest us all.”
In a speech, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was grateful to the Russians “who do not stop trying to convey the truth and the real facts to their friends and loved ones … and personally to the woman who entered the studio of Channel One with an anti-war poster.”
write to Evan Gershkovich at [email protected]
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It appeared in the March 15, 2022, print edition as “Woman Brandishes AntiW Poster on Russian TV Show”.
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